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2005 | 1 | 128-142

Article title

Tematyka eucharystyczna w kazaniach pasyjnych


Title variants

The eucharistic subject-matter in the passion sermons

Languages of publication



The sermons about the Passion of Christ have been preached during the „Lenten Lamentations” - the service when the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place. The author of the article postulałeś that the acceptation of the Eucharistic subject-matter should be done while preaching such sermons. The research works on Polish homiletics of 19th and 20th century state that the authors writing about passion sermons have not stressed their relevance with the Eucharist. On the otherhand, the authors dealing with the theory of sermons on Eucharist emphasize its connec-tion with the Passion of Our Lord. Looking at the contemporary homiletics, we may draw a conclusion that some preachers agree that the Eucharistic subject-matter should be touched in the passion sermons. As the establishment of the Eucharist is closely connected with the passion, it is necessary to stress such a subject during the sermons. The contemplative-adorative character of the „Lenten Lamentations” along with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament just needs such emphasis. The preacher is also obliged to bring into prominence the mistalogical matters - as the fruit of life-giving death of Christ are the sacraments of the Church and the Eucharist is the Body of Redeemer which He gave for us and the Blood which He poured out for us. Still actual is the need of fuli participation in the Holy Mass that should be morę and morę strengthened by the worshippers. That is why in the passion sermons it should be stressed the fact that the Holy Mass reflects the only and the perfect Sacrifice of Jesus. This will allow the listeners to the God words to be as close to the God Father as Christ is - in the unity with Him.







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  • Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


Document Type

Publication order reference


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