In article the genesis, essence and the basic features of the sociallypsychological approach to the studying of electoral behaviour of the population, an opportunity of its application in sociological research of electoral behaviour of citizens of the postcomunist countries (first of all the Republic of Belarus) in view of specificity of a condition and development of their political and party system, the legislation of elections and practice of elections are revealed. The interpretations of the socially-psychological approach by various authors – by E. Campbell, P. Converse, U. Miller, D. Nimmo and T. Jungs, R. Rose and U. Mishler and others – are analysed. The works of some Russian authors undertaking attempts on the basis of the given approach to create own models of electoral behaviour are considered, meeting the requirements of the Russian political realities (E. Meleshkina), to reveal the base of party identification of the Russians (V. Iadov).