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2021 | 3(164) | 243-260

Article title

Regulacje ograniczeń w zakresie noszenia symboli religijnych w ocenie Komitetu Praw Człowieka ONZ



Title variants

Regulation of restrictions on wearing religious symbols as assessed by the UN Human Rights Committee

Languages of publication



The article provides a critical analysis of three individual notification opinions issued by the UN Human Rights Committee in July 2018 on the compatibility of existing regulations in States parties (France, Turkey) on bans on wearing religious symbols with the freedom to manifest religion guaranteed by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Moreover, the text points out the dichotomy – in terms of content – of positions on this issue between the universal body and the regional reference body (the European Court of Human Rights) and also addresses such systemic issues as the problem of legal force of the Committee’s opinions, the lack of dialogue or even isolationism of international bodies ruling on human rights, or the dispute over the primacy of their decisions.





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