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2014 | 12 | (1)22 | 125-136

Article title

Mężczyzna, mąż, ojciec między światem realnym a wirtualnym. Zmiana paradygmatu?

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The man, husband and father between the real world and the virtual reality. A paradigm shift?

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In the eyes of the modern world – almost entirely outside the public debate – a revolution trying to reverse the order of creation of man and woman planned from the beginning by God in His plan of eternal love is taking place. What the dominant culture is proposing today is usually what destroys the identity of the man and makes him unable to build a mature relationship with a woman. In a world that cuts itself off from its roots – the Creator – the man is invited to contemplate the eternal love of God the Father. This task is all the more urgent and significant for the reason that the modern world wants to convince himself that in order to confirm the “culture of brotherhood” we must “kill the father”, glut one’s eyes with the view of the „empty throne”, denying the complementarity of men and women, change their social roles and to challenge gender identity. By discovering the Father, contemporary man discovers the source of his life, finds himself, his own identity, masculinity and the vocation to fatherhood.








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  • Instytut Teologiczny im. Św. Jana Kantego w Bielsku-Białej, ul. Stefana Żeromskiego 5, 43-382 Bielsko-Biała


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