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2013 | 1-4 | 281-298

Article title

Dziedzictwo drewnianej architektury w Polsce



Title variants

Heritage of wooden architecture in Poland

Languages of publication



Temples occupy a special place in the history of wooden architecture in Poland. Wooden manor houses are an inherent feature of our landscape, too. Wood was also used in the construction of public utility buildings, mostly taverns and village inns, often featuring interregional style characteristics. There is also a great variety of wooden structures used for industrial and craft purposes in rural areas. Other examples of wooden architecture can be found in built-up areas of small towns, typologically corresponding to the requirements of the historical delineation of land parcels, as well as in summer resorts and spas dating back from the turn of the 19th century. Wooden buildings and structures are of course the most abundant in the country. Buildings made of timber were prevalent in rural areas until the late fifties of the 20th century. Since early sixties, however, the number of wooden buildings has been decreasing steadily, which is mostly attributable to devastation and to a lesser extent to modernization trends. As a result, the traditional timber construction industry has completely disappeared in many regions of Poland. The small percentage that has survived serves as a proof of its architectural value, constituting a one-of-a-kind wooden architecture heritage on a European and even on a global scale. In fact, the most important Polish contribution to the history and evolution of global architecture is associated with wooden architecture. Preservation of historical monuments and sites in Poland has been approached with concern for centuries and has a long history and tradition. Since the second half of the 19th century, preservation of memorabilia and objects from the past, which provide historical insights into the previous epochs and events, has been regarded as a moral obligation, in accordance with the principle that the most important values should be passed down not only within the family, but also as items of national heritage. The preservation and care of historical monuments was regulated by legislative means soon after Poland regained its independence in order to ensure legal protection for specific objects of national heritage. Public administration bodies were also established to perform tasks associated with the preservation of historical sites and buildings. Due to the huge scale of destruction after the Second World War, preservation of historical monuments was practically reduced to conservation (reconstruction) activities in several chosen urban centres. The interest of the then decision makers did not extent to historical buildings and sites in most cities and villages – especially those in the so-called recovered territories or those representing manor architecture formerly belonging to “class enemies”, industrial architecture, parks, gardens and cemeteries. Wooden buildings and structures were at the highest risk of being destroyed. The transition from conservation interventions to conservation planning is said to have taken place in the mid-fifties of the 20th century. Unfortunately, preservation of historical monuments, including wooden buildings of historical value, was underfunded. Most appropriations were allocated for the most precious and unique buildings and structures. The number of wooden buildings of historical value which have been destroyed or fallen into disrepair since the war is very large. The two existing pieces of legislation: the Act on the protection of cultural heritage assets and the Act on the protection and care of historical monuments and sites have not been effective in preventing their disappearance from our landscape. The protection of the remnants of wooden architecture in our cultural landscape should be given more focus in today’s conservation activities (mostly in situ measures) to preserve the largest possible number of wooden structures in their original state, because it is this authenticity that makes them so precious. To this end, the local carpentry culture and the local wooden construction traditions must be revived if wooden structures of historical value are to be restored in a professional way by properly qualified carpenters and contractors. Conservation plans should take advantage of the revival of interest in wood as a construction material in the last two decades. More and more houses are being designed with wood as the principal construction material or one of construction materials, drawing on the tradition of century-old regional forms and restoring harmony and visual balance of our landscape. This means that the heritage of Polish wooden architecture will be continued in a new dimension and in a new space, revealing the beauty and plasticity of this material and its technical potential, often not fully appreciated or known.






Physical description




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Document Type

Publication order reference



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