The goal of this study was to analyse the qualitative changes occurring in oil during microwave heating. The subject of the study was Kujawski oil, manufactured by ZT Kruszwica, and purchased retail. Oil samples were heated in an RM 800 microwave reactor. Microwaves at a power of 200, 400, 600 and 800 W were used. The heating duration for the oil samples ranged from 3 to 30 minutes. As a result of heating, the oils were observed to increase in temperature depending on the microwave power. This resulted in oxidative changes in the oil samples, as evidenced by the increase in the values on the peroxide, anisidine and Totox index. The values for these parameters increased over time in all the analysed oil samples. In oils heated by a microwave power of 400–800W, changes in the anisidine value and Totox index over time are illustrated by increasing convex curves. The higher the power of the microwave, the higher the value of this parameter observed in the samples. The highest anisidine value, equal to 143.8, was found in oil samples heated by 800 W microwaves for 30 minutes. The highest Totox value – 155.4 mEq O2/kg – occurred in oil samples heated by 800 W microwaves for 30 minutes.