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2015 | 4 (50) | 79-91

Article title

O pojęciu jakości w pomiarze efektów pracy uniwersytetu


Title variants

Quality definition in the university performance measurement

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The concept of the quality of consumer products and services is fairly well defined. Although today quality of life, including quality of education and training, is a commonly discussed topic, one has to admit that the evaluation system of educational processes and the quality of work of educational institutions is surprisingly low. At the same time, the modernization processes in the system of universities forces basing development decisions , including funding, on achieved indicators of work effects of universities. Existing, domestic and international, external and internal quality assurance systems of university work have been criticized for arbitrariness, unilateralism (eg. the criteria exclusively on the results of teaching, or solely on the results of research), ambiguity of the methodology, unreliability of sources of used data, etc. This means that further inquiry to identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as the directions of their consolidation in the complex policy tool for scientific, educational and social decisions is necessary.



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