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2016 | 12 | 4(35) | 64-75

Article title

Gniew, współczucie, solidarność – w stronę politycznie i krytycznie zorientowanej pedagogiki emocji


Title variants

Anger, compassion, solidarity. Towards a critical and political pedagogy of emotions

Languages of publication



This paper will address an issue that is not often discussed in the context of civic and democratic education – the shaping of political emotions. My main purpose is to outline pedagogical currents that are oriented towards cultivating the ability to identify with the suffering of the Other. This emotional identification is based on an ability to perceive structural processes that generate marginalisation and injustice and can serve as a basis for an affirmative, collective action. The thesis presented in this paper is that educational institutions should work towards fostering democratic and collective forms of subjectivity. Drawing on ideas from the existing literature I will discuss the political dimension of anger and the notion of critical pedagogy of compassion that are placed in a broader perspective of radically conceived solidarity.







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