The article reveals the idea that popularity of social networking sites has increased at astonishing levels. There is no arguing the usefulness of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They can be used for professional networking and job searches, as a means to increase sales revenue, as a tool to keep the public informed of safety and other issues or as a way to reconnect with friends from way-back-when. Social networking has changed the way we interact with friends and associates. While social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, FourSquare, and Google+, play a significant role in our lives, they are also a high risk for security threats. With hundreds of millions of users online, these tools not only attract friends and family wanting to stay in touch, but they also attract people wanting to know about you for the wrong reasons. Be aware of the security threats currently out there to help you stay safe online. In Europe, concerns about privacy linked to security are particularly acute, as evidenced by proposals for a new cyber security directive that link privacy and security. The proposals aim to impose EU-wide reporting requirements on companies that run large databases, including social networking firms. Although the final wording of the directive remains to be seen, the proposals are a good indication of just how seriously European authorities view data security breaches