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2017 | 3 | 2 | 5.8-5.14

Article title

Background and Factors of Origin of Economic Knowledge in Western Ukraine in the second half of XIX – first half of XX centuries


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The scientific article is devoted to research of features of economic knowledge in Western Ukraine during the second half of the XIX – first half of the XX century, also summarizes the essence of economic knowledge and the high importance which affects the activity level of investment, entrepreneurial activity, employment, governance, and efficiency etc. The article noted that economic knowledge affects the possibility of personal fulfilment as the economically active member of society. Particular attention is given to determine the characteristics and transformation processes in the second half of the XIX – early XX century in Western Ukraine in the formation, development, and dissemination of economic knowledge among the population. Particular attention is paid to the identification of economic knowledge of business culture, which in turn includes to its structure the need to consider the public interest. Significant values of the revitalization process of the cooperative movement in the territories, forced by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, including in western Ukraine. The analysis of the institutional framework of economic knowledge in the population allowed to mark a key role in these processes of self-organization of institutions, including the society "Prosvita" and others. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the functioning of societies and the basic aspects of their activities. It is stated that the main purpose of the society were educational and economic spheres. The paper describes the key achievements of societies in terms of establishment and the commencement of the different organizations as associations and in order to do businesses, cooperatives, educational institutions, professional courses, publishing, the organization of specialized events and more. The results of other institutions, with the specification of their main activities for the development and dissemination of economic knowledge among the population of Western Ukraine, were studied. To form the contemporary economic knowledge to the population some economists, thinkers and their achievements on the benefits of cooperative forms of economic activity were mentioned. Features of economic knowledge in Western Ukraine in the second half of the XIX – early XX century with a focus on national values, self-organization, dissemination of professional schooling which stimulated the development of economic knowledge in Ukraine were proved.









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  • Lviv Trade and Economic University, Ukraine


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