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2016 | 29 | 43–65

Article title

A Pseudo-Ionic Blocked-out Capital at Nea Paphos


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The paper discusses recent studies on the capital of a column found in the western courtyard of the ‘Hellenistic House’ at Nea Paphos in 2008. The capital presents a very specific set of features which allows us to identify it with the architectural decoration in the Nabatean type known from Petra, Egypt and Cyprus. The comparative analysis allowed the author to recognize the capital from the ‘Hellenistic House’ as analogous to the so-called pseudo-Ionic ones, so far known only from Petra. However, this term, suggesting that capitals of that type originated from the Ionic order, seems to be inappropriate due to specific features of the pseudo-Ionic capitals. The paper discuses one of the three recognized so far types of the blocked-out capitals in the ‘Nabatean’ style from the site; the other will be presented in further papers.


  • Katedra Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Wydziału Architektury PWr, Wrocław


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