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2019 | 8 | 233-256

Article title

Ukrainian students enrolled in music education studies in Poland – education, attitudes, professional expectations, and their relations to their environment – research report


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The significant growth in the number of Ukrainian s tudents at Polish institutions of higher education has significantly changed the face of academic education in this country. The existing model of higher education mostly based , especially in smaller centres, on studies of a single nation has been evolving over a t least several years in the direction of a bi- or multicultural model. Ukrainians currently constitute the largest group of minority students in Polish institutions of higher education , which affects social attitudes perceptible in the academic environment, arouses interest in th e Other or evokes negative cultural ste- reotypes and prejudice. In the context of these cha nges, key questions arise about the mo- bility of Ukrainian students to Poland, which can b e addressed in the following research questions: What are the motives of Ukrainian studen ts coming to Poland? Will Ukrainian graduates remain in Poland and be assimilated, or w ill the higher professional qualifica- tions earned help many Ukrainians with Polish degre es to build a new social, economic and cultural order? What is the structure of education for a Ukrainian student – one based on the domi- nance of one cultural canon or one that shows cultu ral diversity? Included these visible changes at Polish universiti es were also programmes in “Art Ed- ucation in the Musical Arts”, including those condu cted in the Institute of Music at the Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk. Since 2014, this inst itution and institute have offered “semester exchange” and “double degree” programmes for students from Ukrainian insti- tutions, and many Ukrainians have chosen Słupsk as the place for the full programme of their music and pedagogical studies. The theoretical section of the article is divided i nto three parts: 1. Academic mobility - in which select literature o n the situation of students pursuing their education abroad is discussed. At the foregro und of these discussions are the problems of students’ adaptation to a new, cultural ly foreign environment. Also con- sidered are the perceived difficulties in studying in the chosen field, as well as the question of the declared strength of the desire of Ukrainian students to emigrate to a new country, understood in the perspective of their car eer development in the profession. 2. Students from Ukraine pursuing studies in music and pedagogy form a certain image of their future professional employment, namely as a music teacher at school. There- fore, the focus of this article is the analysis of different models of this profession and their integration with the interests and musical ac tivities they engage in. Jarosław Chaci ń ski 256 3. Another area of the literature analysis, underta ken in order to learn about the changes in the consciousness of Ukrainian students, is the subject of shaping their individual cultural image, based on the dominance of their nat ive cultural canon, which then un- dergoes an inevitable process of acculturation. In this aspect, it is important to esti- mate how much they have learned and their ability t o recognize another cultural tra- dition, as well as to acquire the competence to dea l with the history of Polish culture and its most outstanding works in the musical, visu al, architectural and literary arts. The research variables identified in the theoretica l part of the article were then the main inspiration for the survey research, included in th e second part of the article, in which Ukrainian students, answering the questions in the survey, declared their attitudes toward selected phenomena in which they participate, made a self-assessment of their assimilation of the Polish cultural canon in the context of the previous canon of their native Ukrainian culture, declared their professional preferences, o riented towards performing the future work of a music teacher according to a defined model.






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