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2015 | 6(50) | 59-66

Article title


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Forms of gaining of teenagers’ social experience in out-of-school activity

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The article is devoted to the analysis of forms of gaining of teenagers’ social experience in out-of-school education institutions. Out-of-school education institution is a unique social institution, which may use various forms of gaining of pupils’ social experience. This is successfully implemented when pedagogical support of the process of gaining of teenagers’ social experience through all the stages of formation and it is found in the following points: a voluntary children’s participation in out-of-school activity, a combination of individual and collective inclusion of teenagers in different forms of work, systematic information about results and usage of different types of stimulation of participants, diversity of author’s forms of activity that create the teenager’s choice opportunity of the most feasible participation. For the problem under consideration, it is important that the teenager was included in the process of self-discovery, which runs parallel with the research activities of the adult participant of the game. These allow the teenager either copy the ways of an adult’s finding, or look for them jointly with him, joining in cooperation and collaboration. The author determines that the process of gaining of pupils’ social experience should be focused on understanding of social norms that exist in society by means of perception, thinking, emotional experience and awareness of necessity to comply with them and implement them in their behaviour. Considering the complex structure of the process of gaining of teenagers’ social experience in out-of-school educational institutions, the author develops the forms that help to influence effectively on the pupils in order to gain their social experience. In particular, special attention is paid to the role of training and game technologies in solving these problems. During the training teenager has the opportunity to obtain information and discuss incomprehensible situations simultaneously, ask questions and consolidate knowledge right now, train social behavior skills. Play is the best means to gain teenagers’social experience in out-of-school education institutions. During play children conditionally simulate the environment in which they are, solve their current problems. A child does not only reflect reality in the game, but creates an admired world. An educator, who uses the game as the means of gaining of social experience, creates problem situations that children have to solve.



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