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2015 | 2 | 41-63

Article title

Konserwacja i odbudowa zamków, pałaców i dworów Kotliny Jeleniogórskiej w XIX i XX wieku. Wybrane zagadnienia


Title variants

Conservation and reconstruction of castles, palaces and manor houses of Jelenia Góra Valley in the 19th and 20th centuries. Selected issues

Languages of publication



35 castles, manor houses and palaces, differing in construction time, architecture, historic values and conservation status are found in the Jelenia Góra Valley. The 19th century, the time of creating first conservation doctrines, was a period when construction works in the discussed residences were carried out without respect to the original historic fabric. Such activities were made possible by the legal situation of monuments in Prussia. In that period, official protection of older buildings belonging to private owners practically did not exist. Due to high artistic value, particular protection was provided to the Chojnik castle and the tower manor in Siedlęcin. In other residences, respect for their historic substance usually depended on the recognition and awareness of dealing with a precious building exhibited by architects and investors. In those times, modernisation of residences, bestowing them with a more representative form and reconstructing them in a fashionable historicising style was valued the most. Around the middle of the 19th century, both in Prussia and in other European countries, Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le- Duc’s opinions concerning restoration and purification gained popularity. When it comes to the discussed area, we can find examples of restoring stylistic uniformity of Karpniki and Miłków residences. The first critical opinions concerning historicism and restoration appeared in Prussia in 1860s. However, a significant change in viewpoints took place at the end of the 19th century. Despite appreciation of the value of authenticity of the historic substance by theoreticians, this was not reflected in practical activities concerning castles, manor houses and palaces of the Jelenia Góra Valley. As regards protection of monuments of the Silesian province, a substantial change occurred in 1932, when Günther Grundmann, an art historian, took the office of the conservator. Selecting an art historian instead of an architect to this position attested the willingness to dissociate from former reconstructions of monuments and thorough conversions. Significant interest in age-old residences was evident in the Third Reich. They began to be used for propaganda purposes. From the beginning, the authorities were interested in taking over of these buildings for use; they installed there training centres, SS rest houses and research institutions. A post-war problem of reconstruction of destroyed monuments did not concern castles, manor houses and palaces of the Jelenia Góra Valley. The buildings survived the World War II in good shape, owing to which they quickly found new users. Nearly all residences were located in the countryside, therefore the majority of objects were transferred to state enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Reforms. Historic buildings were adapted to flats for workers and administration offices. During the introduction of new functions, interiors of the residences were often thoroughly redesigned. Valuable buildings began to be improperly used, without regular renovations. They were utilised as long as their technical condition allowed it. After abandonment, the buildings often fell victim of robberies and devastation. After 1989, when the new political system was established in Poland, State Agricultural Holdings were liquidated and their property was taken over by the Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury, established in 1991, which quickly decided to sell residences under its jurisdiction. Interest in purchasing these buildings soared under the new system. At the beginning, there were cases when somebody bought a monument, but refrained from renovating it. However, after several years better days came. These buildings began to be purchased by persons aware of the necessary workload and, most of all, having adequate capital at their disposal to perform indispensable tasks. In the 21st century such residences are most often bought by investors who adapt them to luxurious hotels. Due to the absence of original interiors in most buildings, new arrangement of rooms is made in a historicising style. Former residences adapted to hotel functions are often very rapidly renovated, so that they could be put to use as quickly as possible. It often leads to a situation, where the issue of preserving historical values and high degree of authenticity is pushed into the background. What prevails, is the wish to obtain the highest value in use. However, owing to such activities, many historic castles, manor houses and palaces of the Jelenia Góra Valley have been protected from falling to utter pieces.






Physical description




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