The text is a complementation of a reflexion on the evolution of Polish adjectives with emphasis put on intermorphs. The issue seems important for the conclusion of the morphological construction of contemporary lexemes. The following issues guided the choice of intermorphs: 1/ It sometimes happens that an intermorph is an innovation in the time span from Old Polish to later ages, while the sources of this innovation have common points. Should intermorphs be divided on a basis of series in every case? The problem has been examined on an example of intermorphs -al-, -ar- before the suffix -ny. 2/ How much should historical conditions decide on a division of modern lexemes into morphemes? The issue is being examined in an assessment of the status -l- in the suffix -liwy. We hope that both the synchronic and diachronic approach to language will be included in the works on the Polish Morpheme dictionary (Author’s postulate).