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2019 | 3 | 91-120

Article title

Państwa Trójkąta Weimarskiego wobec przyszłości integracji europejskiej


Title variants

Weimar Triangle Countries Towards the Future of European Integration

Languages of publication



The aim of the article is to analyze the European programs of the main political parties in the Weimar Triangle countries. The analysis will focus on the political vision and possible institutional changes. In addition, the position on euro area reforms and (in Polish case) prospects for membership of the EMU will be examined. Another issue is the response to the migration crisis, and views on the future of the internal market, deepening cooperation in defense policy and a vision of the future of EU foreign policy. Finally, brexit issues will be examined. The article will compare the European doctrine of particular countries, then the views of the government (and its party base) and the opposition parties.







Physical description


  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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