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2013 | 2(28) | 170-193

Article title

Measuring information society – addressing key issues and constraints


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This paper focuses on the measurement of information society. The aim of this paper is twofold. The first objective is to present a coherent picture of measurement methods for information society. The second aim of the paper is to show measurement findings of information society in selected countries – especially Poland. First, the paper presents available methods of information society measurement and a core set of internationally agreed information society indicators. Second, the measurement of information society was performed with the application of three methods – measuring the influence of ICT on GDP, measuring the ICT Development Index and measuring the Networked Readiness Index. Finally, a discussion was undertaken in order to establish a framework for the development of information society’s quantitative measurement methods.





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  • University of Economics in Katowice
  • University of Economics in Katowice


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