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2014 | 4 | 31-51

Article title

Pomerania non cantat? Uwagi o ewangelikach z Pomorza Zachodniego, ich repertuarze religijnym i sposobie śpiewania


Title variants

Pomerania non cantat? Remarks on Lutherans of Western Pomerania, their religious repertoire and way of singing

Languages of publication



Because of geographical distribution, origin, political involvement and religious specificity, Lutherans of Western Pomerania are treated as a border community. The largest populations of Polish-speaking Protestants occurred in the counties of Lębork, Bytów and Słupsk. This commu-nity disappeared at the end of the nineteenth century, although still in the 20s and 30s, researchers recorded a lot of people who knew the Kashubian dialect. Lutherans in the Kashubian region were generally unknown to religious communities of Masuria, Silesia and the Polish Kingdom. More knowledge about them brought only through a study conducted by Alexander Hilferding — a Russian Slavicist traveling in these areas in 1856. The greatest popularity in the definition of this com-munity has won ethnonym Slovincians propagated by Alexander Hilferding. Available sources and studies mainly publish information on the language, especially its use in church services and teach-ing religion. Thera are, however, extremely rare eyewitness accounts relating used hymn books and cantionals, popularity of a particular repertoire and the context of its practice. From the relation-ship and visitation of church printed from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, we know that they were used in religious services “Polish songbooks”. The oldest of them is cantional prepared by a priest Simon Krofey from Bytów with a handwritten appendix compiled from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. Pastor Lorek from Cecenowo immortalized in the consciousness of later generations stereotypes of a tacit and gloomy Kashubian. However, according to later observers, Kashubians sang willingly and often but only a religious repertoire, while the folk song and dance sounded very rare. Considering the available sources it seems that the inhabitants of these lands — like the Protestants from Silesia and Masuria had used their own repertoire, which could be performed in an original and unique way.


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