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1973 | 3 | 190-200

Article title

Niektóre problemy konserwacji kościoła w Haczowie


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The subject of considerations by the author is formed by the lasting several years conservation of the woodconstructed parish church at Haczów, Brzozów district, Rzeszów Voivodship. This late-Gothic edifice belonging to architectural monuments of „О” group and dating as far back as to the mid-fifteenth century is considered to be one of the most valuable objects of wood-built architecture in this country. In 1958—68 the church was subjected to conservation which was carried out by the carpenters’ teams sent by the Museum of Folk Building Art, Sanok. From 1969 forward the conservation that has been ordered by the Voivodship Conservator in Rzeszów is being carried out by the Lublin Branch of the state-owned company known as Ateliers for Conservation of Cultural Property, Jarosław Division. While analysing the main and most urgent needs of the object under conservation the author proposes that the most recent achievements be applied from the field of wood preservation and that the full design documentation be based on that prepared by conservators. As a point of utmost importance must be regarded the measures aimed at inhibiting the decay processes in wood exposed to weather and in consequence to destructive action of fungi and insects. Another important point consists in the need to have an appropriate historical, descriptive and photographic documentation which should be prepared prior to starting any conservating treatments, during their course and on their completion. Only such an exhaustive documentation can furnish a guarantee that the restoration will be carried out in a proper way. The lack of such documentation for the church in question caused that some errors occurred in works already done. To have preserved this specimen of the wood-constructed sacred building it is — according to the author’s suggestions — inevitable to extend the range and the kind of works as well as to accelerate their course, at the same time heightening the quality level of ex e cution. Taking into account the above requirements it seems also necessary to organize a special laboratory that would be entrusted with working out of methods of application of chemicals in conservation and at the same time with supervision over the works carried out. It is the author’s opinion that it is already the highest time to have solved the problem of the so called „timber bank” from which the required quantities of the well-seasoned, say during the three-year period, timber would be available to meet the needs of conservation.






Physical description




  • mgr, Instytut Sztuki PAN Warszawa


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Publication order reference


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