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2013 | 21 | 3(122) | 50-57

Article title

Cultural Paradigms in Management Sciences


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present an idea for understanding cultural processes in the organizational�discourse from the perspective of four paradigms in management sciences based on the concept of G. Burrell and G. Morgan. Methodology: The author has elaborated a valuable list of structures of the scientifi c theory based on the respective paradigms and has compared cultural paradigms in management sciences. The methodology involves an analysis of classical and recent world literature. Nowadays there is no consensus on the defi nitions, types or research models of organizational culture. Originality: In the literature on the subject we can fi nd many, sometimes contradictory cultural research studies that require further analysis. Precisely because of the diversity and complexity of cultural issues in management sciences a multi-paradigmatic analysis is necessary. The paper presents a proposal for a pluralistic approach to the theory and methodology of cultural studies in management sciences







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  • Institute of Public Affairs of the Jagiellonian University


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