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2019 | 3(42) | 57-81

Article title

Evaluating Teachers’ Opinions on Learning Difficulties of Stuttering Primary Students In Terms of Terms of First Literacy


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Objectives In this study, researchers aimed to (1) investigate how stuttering affects the learning process of first reading and writing, and (2) reveal the problems encountered by children with stuttering during the first literacy process and (3) shed light on further research in this area. Material and methods The research is a descriptive study to determine the problems that students with stuttering have experienced in the process of learning first literacy skills. In this study, semi-structured interviewing methods were chosen from the types of interviews included in the qualitative research methods in order to evaluate the problems encountered by the stuttering students in the process of learning literacy skills in a more in-depth manner in terms of their opinions, and experiences. Results The data obtained from semi-structured interviews and findings were obtained by analyzing by content analysis technique. During the interview, eight questions were asked to the participant. Conclusions When the research findings are examined, it is seen that students with stuttering have some difficulties in reading, writing, and hearing voice and syllable, while there is not a significant difference between them in reading and writing skills of voice, syllable and words in the process of first reading and writing. Teacher’s opinion revealed that stuttering students were particularly had more problems with the words or syllable starting with a strong consonant.





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  • Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
  • Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
  • Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Turkey


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