The problem of social misadaptation arouses big interest of the representatives of social sciences dealing with education and upbringing of children and teenagers in the present world. Maria Grzegorzewska – a forerunner in special needs education in Poland − introduced the notion of “social misadaptation” to Polish terminology. The following triple causes influence coming into existence of social misadaptation: - biological (internal) of an individual - including organic, e.g., the damages of the central nervous arrangement causing personality disorder; - psychical - conditioned, first of all, by the heredity factors encompassing the emotional and volitionary sphere- concerning the impulses what causes psychopathic changes; - environmental - a defective family structure, negligence of the upbringing environment, upbringing mistakes made by family and school, influence of the mass media on the formation of the social and moral attitudes of children and adolescents. That emotional rejection is an important factor influencing the rise of children’s social mis − adaptation. According to many pedagogues it appears when the child is unwanted, ignored and when parents do not dedicate appropriate amount of time to their child, disregard his school problems, do not take care of his health, education, clothes, but instead they use corporal punishments as a result of the lack of their upbringing skills. These disturbed interactions between the child and his parents, unsatisfied basic needs of the child, the lack of a sense of security at home can lead to behaviours unaccepted by the whole society in the future.