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2013 | 7 | 33-53

Article title

Mnemotechniczne ciągi słowne z perspektywy lingwistyki tekstu

Title variants

Mnemonic Word Sequences from the Point of View of Text Linguistics

Languages of publication



The paper deals with mnemonic word sequences as sequences opposed to non-mnemonic word sequences and mnemonic non-verbal sequences. On the basis of both non-special and special mnemonics I analyse to what extent the mnemonic word sequences satisfy the criteria of textuality formulated by R.-A. de Beaugrande and W.U. Dressler: cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality, and intertextuality. I attempt to show some of their specific features, originating from their role as a memory aid to be used in a situation far from being a typical "act of speech". These features concern relations with the author and the user, with the situation, with the literal meaning of their lexical components and with information to be memorised. My special attention is paid to relation of mnemonic word sentences with other word sequences, particularly with texts. To explore this relation I refer to the G. Genette's distinction between intertextuality, paratextuality, metatextuality, hypertextuality, and architextuality.






Physical description





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