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2014 | 5(31/1) | 7-29

Article title

Kultury narodowe w procesie wirtualizacji

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National cultures in the process of virtualization

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The pace of technological development and the associated development of new instruments of communication resulted in a number of consequences that are essential to the very concept of culture and its transformation. Today’s world of virtualization and mediatization of cultures cannot be perceived as inert or static, but should be seen as a process; not as a rigid quasi‑object, but as a continuous and endless stream of variable events. The processes occurring in it, or changes that vary in speed, intensity, rhythm and pace, are becoming the basis for the emergence of new forms of national culture including an unprecedented structure, roles, functions, or intensity. Starting from mobile identities, often created in isolation from one’s own self and free from the usually strict control of the ego and superego, through mobile relations (relationships), and culminating with virtual forms of existence (participation) in the modern, national cultures.


  • Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży
  • Uniwersytet Jagielloński


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