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2015 | 1 (67) | 38-46

Article title

Teoretychni pidkhody do vyznachennya ekonomichnoyi katehoriyi «zminy pidpryyemstva»

Title variants

Theoretical Approaches to the Definition of Economic Category «Enterprise Change Management»

Languages of publication



The theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of «changes» and «enterprise changes» has been done and the concept of «enterprise changes» has been clarified, as the process of acquiring new features and elements under the influence of complex relationships with the external environment, which causes the need to address the selection and creation of new organizational abilities as during rapid interaction components of the system (reactivity), and long periods of evolutionary transformation of the whole system. The basic models of the enterprise change management that represent different points of view on the most important aspects of organizational change have been considered. An analysis of patterns of change management is established that the use of a synergistic combination of factors determine the level of readiness of enterprises for transformation can ensure the successful implementation of the proposed model.


  • Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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