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2016 | 1 (9) | 100-115

Article title

Międzynarodowe znaczenie żywności genetycznie modyfikowanej i jej rola w rozwiązywaniu ekonomiczno-społecznych problemów świata


Title variants

International significance of genetically modified food and its role in solving socio-economic problems of the world

Languages of publication



Genetically modified food is one of the most problematic areas of cooperation among countries. The numerous controversies associated with its cultivation and introduction on different markets prompted the author to reflect on this issue. The aim of the publication is to identify the essence of genetically modified food and to indicate the extent of its use in today’s world economy. Therefore, legal regulations on genetically modified organisms in individual countries were analysed, with particular emphasis on Poland. In addition, the reasons of the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food production were indicated, as well as the risks associated with it. The descriptive method and the analysis of the literature were used during the preparation of the study. As one can notice, the widespread reluctance of many societies, including Polish one, towards consuming genetically modified food is fuelled by world anti-globalisation movements, which background is primarily constituted by the criticism of decisions taken by transnational corporations (TNC). It can be assumed that potential benefits for human activity which can be brought by modern, GMOs-using technology and growing problems of global nature – in recent years especially the problem of maintaining food security – are factors determining the necessity of deepening knowledge on the utilisation of GMOs in various spheres of life, in food production particularly. The strategic significance of GMOs seems to be indicated by the growing interest in agricultural biotechnology of China and of the European Union itself (although the share of the latter in the whole world crops is marginal). They gradually move in the direction of creating bioeconomy based on spreading innovations, also in the agri-food sector.





Physical description



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