The Author deals with problems of security and public order in a context of provisions relating to releasing convicted from a penal insti-tution and tasks in this scope of the Prison Service and Police as organs of internal security administration. Since on the one hand completion of serving a sentence of imprisonment means that a convicted settled ac-counts with the society, an expression of which is the end of serving the adjudged penalty, but on the other hand he need not be a person who was re-socialised. Resocialisation is an assumption, an objective which one should attain, but it will not be achieved in every case. A condition to leave a penal institution is not achieving progress in the scope of resocialisation, it is not also a positive criminological-social prognosis.A manager of a penal institution notifies Police about leaving the penal institution by a convicted, but only in three cases (conviction for partici-pation in an organised criminal group or in a relation aiming at commit-ting offences; sentencing to imprisonment for a period not shorter than 3 years; convicting for an offence specified in art. 197–203 Penal Code committed in relation with disorders of sexual preferences), but in the Author’s opinion this solution is defective, it does not ensure in an ade-quate required scope a possibility to protect citizens against a possibil-ity of repeated committing offence by the convicted. In Author’s opinion a system solution should be introduced to the Executive Penal Code, a pillar of which will be performing a criminological-social prognosis in relation to every convicted, who is to leave a penal institution and de-pending on its results notifying Police on this fact in order to undertake adequate actions stipulated by the law, aimed at preventing possible committing offence by this person.