The subject of hereby elaboration is an institution of foster families in administrative law formulation. Undeniable trumps of foster families caused that they occupy all-important place in a developed system of foster care institutions, ensuring care and education to children de-prived of parental care. A foster family is treated – as a principle – as a priority form of care over a child. However, it should be underlined that first of all a child has a right to care and education in a natural fam-ily, also natural parents have the right to care over their children. At the same time one should counteract and avoid separation of a child from his/her family through undertaking indispensable prophylactic activi-ties and giving the family rightful support in accordance with the sub-sidiarity principle.The variety which occurs in established types of foster families, is their great value. Thanks to their heterogeneity foster families are able to cope with various needs of children, determined among others by their state of health or inability to adopt to life in the society. Functioning foster families cannot be left just to themselves. They must be surrounded with necessary support, assistance and care. A role, which foster families should fulfil, causes that they must be covered by specialised supervision (among others of common courts) and control. Undoubtfully often monitoring of these families also deserves approval. It allows for current reaction to various situations endangering a child, among others his/her rights, and then to make adequate decisions, right from the point of view, in particular the child’s interest.