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2018 | 17 | 2 | 117 - 146

Article title

Etyczne aspekty badania przemocy seksualnej


Title variants

Ethical aspects of sexual violence research

Languages of publication



Artykuł odnosi się do etyki badań przemocy seksualnej. Zagadnienia te ujęte są w różnych kodeksach, ale ich rozproszenie oraz kierowanie do poszczególnych grup zawodowych powoduje brak szerszego ujęcia problemu. Stwierdzono, że nieetyczne jest rezygnowanie z podejmowania badań dotyczących przemocy seksualnej, ponieważ brak wniosków z rzetelnych diagnoz uniemożliwia niesienie skutecznej pomocy. Nieetyczne jest także realizowanie badań bez dokładnego respektowania zasad etycznych. Należy dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby osoby badane czuły się traktowane podmiotowo: udzielić pełnej i prawdziwej informacji o badaniu (celach, przedmiocie, przebiegu, zagrożeniach), zadbać o dobrowolną oraz świadomą zgodę, zagwarantować anonimowość badanych i poufność wypowiedzi, a także minimalizować ryzyko negatywnych skutków badania. Trzeba dążyć do osiągnięcia przez badanych korzyści: przerwania przemocy, uzyskania dostępu do informacji i interwencji. Organizujący badania są odpowiedzialni za współpracowników. Koniecznością jest przeprowadzenie selekcji kandydatów według przygotowania merytorycznego i kompetencji społecznych. Niezbędne jest stałe monitorowanie procesu badawczego i udzielanie wsparcia merytorycznego oraz psychologicznego ankieterom. Publikacja wyników musi gwarantować anonimowość respondentów i klarowne przedstawienie wyników, aby były one właściwie zinterpretowane przez odbiorców. Rekomenduje się poddawanie projektów badawczych ocenie komisji etycznej.
The article describes the ethics of research on sexual violence. The aspects are studied upon in many codes, but due to the fact that they are dispersed in various articles and they are dedicated to particular professional groups, the problem is not studied on a greater scale. It was stated that it is unethical to give up research on sexual violence, as the lack of reliable research results prevents from bringing help. It is neither ethical to conduct research without respecting ethical rules. It is important to make effort to ensure participants that they are treated individually: they should be provided with full and true information concerning the research (its objectives, subject, course and risks); they should give their voluntary and conscious consent to participate; they should be assured of their anonymity and answers confidentiality; the risk of negative research consequences should be reduced to minimum. It is crucial to aim at positive research consequences - the end to violence, gaining access to information and prevention. Everyone who does research is responsible for their coworkers. It is indispensable to select candidates on the basis of their substantive preparation and social competences. It is also important to constantly monitor the research course and being supportive, including substantive and psychological help, towards research participants. The publication of results needs to guarantee respondents’ anonymity and clear way of presentation so that they are correctly interpreted by research audience. It is recommended to pass the research projects under the evaluation of ethics commissions.







117 - 146

Physical description


  • The article describes the ethics of research on sexual violence. The aspects are studied upon in many codes, but due to the fact that they are dispersed in various articles and they are dedicated to particular professional groups, the problem is not studied on a greater scale. It was stated that it is unethical to give up research on sexual violence, as the lack of reliable research results prevents from bringing help. It is neither ethical to conduct research without respecting ethical rules. It is important to make effort to ensure participants that they are treated individually: they should be provided with full and true information concerning the research (its objectives, subject, course and risks); they should give their voluntary and conscious consent to participate; they should be assured of their anonymity and answers confidentiality; the risk of negative research consequences should be reduced to minimum. It is crucial to aim at positive research consequences - the end to violence, gaining access to information and prevention. Everyone who does research is responsible for their coworkers. It is indispensable to select candidates on the basis of their substantive preparation and social competences. It is also important to constantly monitor the research course and being supportive, including substantive and psychological help, towards research participants. The publication of results needs to guarantee respondents’ anonymity and clear way of presentation so that they are correctly interpreted by research audience. It is recommended to pass the research projects under the evaluation of ethics commissions
  • The article describes the ethics of research on sexual violence. The aspects are studied upon in many codes, but due to the fact that they are dispersed in various articles and they are dedicated to particular professional groups, the problem is not studied on a greater scale. It was stated that it is unethical to give up research on sexual violence, as the lack of reliable research results prevents from bringing help. It is neither ethical to conduct research without respecting ethical rules. It is important to make effort to ensure participants that they are treated individually: they should be provided with full and true information concerning the research (its objectives, subject, course and risks); they should give their voluntary and conscious consent to participate; they should be assured of their anonymity and answers confidentiality; the risk of negative research consequences should be reduced to minimum. It is crucial to aim at positive research consequences - the end to violence, gaining access to information and prevention. Everyone who does research is responsible for their coworkers. It is indispensable to select candidates on the basis of their substantive preparation and social competences. It is also important to constantly monitor the research course and being supportive, including substantive and psychological help, towards research participants. The publication of results needs to guarantee respondents’ anonymity and clear way of presentation so that they are correctly interpreted by research audience. It is recommended to pass the research projects under the evaluation of ethics commissions
  • c Wydział Pedagogiczny Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej i Resocjalizacyjnej


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