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2015 | 4 (61) | 59-65

Article title

Rola technologii informatycznej we wspomaganiu twórczości organizacyjnej


Title variants

The role of information technology in supporting organizational creativity

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Although considerable research has focused on creativity in organizations, far less research has examined how to design computer systems supporting organizational creativity. Doing a systematic review of creativity theories, author address this void by developing three main principles for design of organizational creativity support systems. Theories and models of creativity are characterized by large diversity. Systematic review presented in this article takes into account only those which relate directly to the organizational creativity and have their roots in the creative activity of the company's employees. Characterized principles for the design of organizational creativity support systems are a good starting point to build measurement tool to assess functionality of information technology used in the organization supporting organizational creativity. The details of these principles extend and deepen our understanding of information technology role in enhancing companies' creativity.






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  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach


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