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2012 | 12 | 115-125

Article title

Wspomaganie informacyjne samorządu terytorialnego – refleksje statystyczne

Title variants

Informational helping for territorial self-government – statistical reflections

Languages of publication



The base of efficient functioning of every organization, including a unit of territorial self-government, is among others, possession of suitable stock of information. The units of observation subsystem (including services of public statistics) notice state and changes happening in the scale of territorial unit registering them in different forms. As an effect of these observations, a set of information about state of unit and its individual elements is formed. It helps in taking a decision by self-government authorities. The meaning of information in decision processes of organs of territorial self-government grows distinctly. It also becomes a kind of challenge for public statistics.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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