The Caucasus region is still considered as one of the hottest geostrategic spot in the world politics and still inter-state war scenarios are most plausible and could be revoked into real scenario development at any moment. Even current example of Georgian and Russian relations is to be one of the evident of the occasion. As it is known, Georgia and Russia are still in formally in war, both de facto and de iure and only a truce between the parties named as „Saakashvili-Medvedev-Sarkozi” treaty is indicating a fragile peace in the region. Hence, the consequences of the warfare waged in August of 2008 are being echoed in contemporary period of time. However, from the geostrategic point of view, only the fights between Georgian and Russian Armed Forces are being reviewed and analyzed but no one paid attention to and scrutinized combat operations between Georgian and Ossetian military formations scrutinizing, whereas both sides perceived territorial defence forces as one of the serious strike units at the initial stage of the conflict on 3-9 August of 2008 which was falling within the scope of Low Intensity Conflict. The operations could be analyzed on how the parties were using this kind of active reserve military formations, how efficient had been both territorial defence systems before the war and how it reflected the situations developed after the war. The comparative analyses of the engaged parties’ capabilities with regard to territorial defence strategies and properly used tactical reserve forces are very important and omnipotent to relevantly consider possibility and opportunity to achieve peace and stability at the regional level and reinforce regional security provisions.