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2012 | 7 | 1 | 189-199

Article title

Motywy religijne w twórczości kociewskiej poetki ludowej Franciszki Powalskiej


Title variants

Religious motifs in the writings of Kashubian folk poet Franciszka Powalska

Languages of publication



The article Religious motifs in Franciszka Powalska’s literary output shows numerous references to the catholic religion and rite. In the first paragraph Powalska’s profile, her literary output, both published and unpublished was introduced and the term folk literature was explained. In the second part of the article some religious elements in the form of quotations from Powalska’s texts were presented – all of them provided with a commentary. The poet introduces herself as a very religious person, referring to God in different situations in her life. She comments honestly and courageously on the society around her. The quotations would easily describe her life and Pinczyn’s history. The abovementioned references were put into following categories: history of the parish of Pinczyn, church, faith in God, prayer, code of ethics, death, funeral, song, sin, homeland, baptism, matrimony, cross, devotional items, upbringing and the Bible. The final part of the article presents poet’s last words from My memoir, that can be treated as her will and where she suggests a motto for her literary output. Franciszka Powalska’s My memoir shows Kociewie inhabitants’ real life at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Cultivating the traditions and religious customs was a part of almost every villager’s life in Pinczyn, where secularism in customs and views is more common nowadays.








Physical description



  • Gajek J., Struktura etniczna Pomorza, [w:] Struktura etniczna i kultura ludowa Pomorza, red. (J. Gajek), Gdańsk-Wejherowo 2009.
  • Kirstein W., Kociewie. Gawędy i wiersze, Gdańsk 1976.
  • Kirstein W., Pieśni z Kociewia, Gdańsk 1970.
  • Pinczyn. Monografia wsi kociewskiej, 1981.
  • Powalska F., Mój pamiętnik (mps, 1964).

Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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