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2020 | 1 | 83-99

Article title

„Tożsamość pogranicza” hiszpańskich eksklaw Ceuty i Melilli


Title variants

‘Border Identity’ of Spanish Exclaves Ceuta and Melilla

Languages of publication



The paper shows some aspects of ‘border identity’ of the two Spanish cities-exclaves: Ceuta and Melilla. It analyses the multicultural dimensions of coexistence between Muslim (Moroccan) and Spanish populations. The article refers to some political, social and economic challenges: Moroccan revindication policy, growing number of Muslim communities, illegal migration, the phenomenon of violent radicalization inspired by the jihadi ideology etc. In this context, the paper focuses on the most important elements of ‘the border identity’ which are crucial to further the understanding of social problems in these cities. The methodological analysis is based on the integration of historical and system methods as well as scientific research and investigation conducted in Spain. Regarding some integration and inclusion efforts there are still unsolved social and economic problems that may have influence on the coexistence of different ethnocultural communities in the future.







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  • Uniwersytet Łódzki


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