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2013 | 1 (59) | 70-77

Article title

Efektyvnist' mekhanizmiv transformatsiyisystemy orhanizatsiyno-tekhnichnoho rehulyuvannya ekonomiky: metodychnyy pidkhid do otsinky

Title variants

Efficiency of Mechanisms of Transformation of the System of Organizational and Technical Regulation of the Economy: the Methodical Approach to the Assessment

Languages of publication



Transformation of organizational and technical regulation’s system of the national economy actualizes the issue of evaluation of input mechanisms. The following issues are proposed and justified in the article: a methodical approach to the determination of the effectiveness of mechanisms of the transformation of the organizational and technical regulation of the national economy as a socially significant innovation and investment project with the calculation of the cumulative effect of the government budget and business sectors as net present value, which is defined as an increase in gross domestic product in the current and future periods as a result of the regulatory instruments' implementation. A mathematical model for calculating the total annual economic impact of regulatory tools – technical regulations and standards – is developed. The expediency of its application for identifying activities and export commodity groups for priority development and implementation of technical regulations, that will optimize the choice of regulatory instruments, is calculated.


  • Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Donetsk State University of Management, Donetsk, Ukraine


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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