This article provides the analysis of the publications оf famous western scientists in the field of giftedness, including those belonging to the so-called еxtracognitive research cluster. It deals with the study of personal qualities and characteristics as prerequisites, drivers and catalysts of natural inclinationsand abilities development. Scientific results in this field are regarded from the psychological and pedagogical points of view, especially in the aspect of opportunities to shape viable traits for the extraordinary, gifted children. As a result of this analytical research the inherent traits of gifted and talented individuals were identified along with their emotional sphere, attitudes and intentions.The role of motivation and will as key drivers of talent was emphasized. The psychological and educational problems and value orientations in nurture оf moralqualities to talented youth were exposed. The expediency to base on cognitive and emotional sensitivity of gifted children during their moral education and forming patterns of prosocial behavior was grounded. The moral talent is determined as the trinity of moral leadership, creativity and responsibility. The analysis of research works on the problems of personalization of giftedness, that is manifestation of human individuality in the process of creative activity, gives grounds for generalizations in relation to, firstly, personality traits (temperament) of gifted individuals, and second, features of their emotional sphere. Individuals with extraordinary abilities differ from other people by such distinct qualities as resilience, perseverance, endurance, diligence, self-confidence, the ability to bring the case to its logical conclusion, the ability to achieve the goal, hard work, determination, independence in judgment and action, non-conformism, providing benefits to independent work, positive self-appraisal, high level of self-esteem, internal locus of control, motivation, ambition, drive for success, high level of self-criticism, commitment to excellence, tenacity, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, high level of self-regulation. It was concluded that childhood and adolescence are marked with the significant dynamics andplasticityof character developing that enables targeted educational influence on this process. Success of the teachers and educators in work with the gifted and talented children will be even more predictable and possible, if they better understand the complex inner world and features of a gifted person behavior.