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2019 | 3(42) | 131-141

Article title

Niko Gomelauri’s poetry as a guide of intercultural communication


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Poetic multilingualism as a variety of polylingualism, in general, is a good material for studying cultural transfers (the process of transferring knowledge between different cultures, professional communities and discourses) from both linguistic and culturological point of views. The creative work of bilingual poets, whose phenomenon has not been studied yet, is one of the guides of intercultural communication. Among such poets, Niko Gomelauri has a prominent place, who made a great contribution to both Georgian and Russian literature, nonetheless, neither Georgian nor Russian philologists study the materials based on his works. Research aims. To draw researchers’ attention to the creative works of a bilingual poet Niko Gomelauri, we present the linguistic analysis of Niko Gomelauri’s five different poems belonging to different genres, define peculiarities of his poetic works and stylistic tendencies. Research methods. Through using semantic and stylistic, descriptive and comparative methods and the analysis of dictionary articles we have thoroughly analysed Gomelauri’s poetic words. Conclusions. Linguistic anaysis of poems of different genres revealed Niko Gomelauri’s peculiar vision. A bilingual poet has a wider world vision, sees deeper and gives his poetic worlds a more philosophical idea or emotional content. The analysis of Gomelauri’s poems showed two stylistic tendencies in his poetry – deeply philosophical and mockery-colloquial





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  • Akaki Tsereteli State University Kutaisi, Georgia
  • Akaki Tsereteli State University Kutaisi, Georgia


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