In the light of rules of labour law a social worker has the same status as every different worker employed. The law does not “favour” workers, and surely quite justly. Therefore, all workers are even in the light of the majesty of law. And this makes up the superb interpretation for deliberations being conducted here (even in the sense of law). However, except for clear formal and legal criteria, there are different criteria for the worker no less important than their clear legal aspects. The herewith article has just treated about them (it concerns personal character traits). So, what is this “social worker”? It is an exceptional worker due to the following reasons: - it is a people-oriented job, but in a different way than a teacher’s job, a doctor’s job, or a clergyman’s job. A social worker does not act as a healer, but fully as a carer, so in the sphere of the material and spiritual existence, - a social worker co-exists with a person he looks after. He is emotionally involved with that person, - a social worker is not a clerk. He does not work from … to …, but in accordance with the specific nature of the situations and problems, - a social worker must possess not only professional qualifications, but should be well-mannered and at a suitable ethical and moral level of development. These are really demanding criteria, - a social worker shares his fate with the fate of the aggrieved party. It makes this work exceptional and peculiar, - a social worker becomes in certain situations someone like a confessor for a person receiving help, - social work is something more than “public relations”, - social work is, first of all, dedication and devotion, and it makes up its exceptionality, - a social worker is a servant of a person waiting for help. He is also an adviser and a consoler. Not everyone can be a social worker, because apart from education and qualifications, he has to have a kind of “calling”, the inner need of the spirit.