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2011 | 8 | 94-115

Article title

Demokratyzacja w Armenii w kontekście wyborów parlamentarnych i prezydenckich


Title variants

Democracy in Armenia in the context of parliamentary and presidential elections

Languages of publication



The article shows the democracy process in Armenia, based on the analysis of parliamentary and presidential elections from the transformation in the early 90’s of the 20th century until the present day. As an post-Soviet state, Armenia has been faced with numerous obstacle in this process, and subsequent elections in her territory are marked by numerous irregularities and diverges from the western democracy standards. The article shows the complexities of the situation of this state, especially the question of Nagorno-Karabakh. There is progress in the adaptation of the Armenian election law to international standards and yet there is a lack of public trust in the honest elections. In general, actions which undermine the democratic elections stem from the autocratic leadership style of Armenian authorities. The present regime in Armenia can be described as semi-democratic.






Physical description




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Document Type

Publication order reference


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