In this article subtitling and the resulting from it translation strategies are analysed. The article puts the main emphasis, on the one hand, on the technical restrictions, the resulting from it need to shorten, con- dense and simplify the text, and the translation strategies used for this purpose according to Gottlieb, Chesterman, Tomaszkiewicz and Belczyk, e.g.: deletion, condensation, omission, numbers, decimation, paraphrasing, simple syntaxis, etc. On the other hand, it deals with the translation of culture-related components, based on such strategies: omission, literal translation, borrowing, adaptations, substitu- tion of Culture-Specifics, generalization, translation of black humour, explications/explanations. The German-Polish subtitling of the movie „Er ist wieder da“ (2015) served as a case study, from which many examples illustrate the discussed phenomena. The aim of this paper is to examine the translated linguistic-cultural-comic triad, taking into account the strategies used in translation. Based on the multidimensional (at syntactic-semantic-pragmatic level) analysis of the original and its translation, these results point to possible that the translator faced seemingly insurmountable hurdles. In order to translate equivalently, he had to make use of many different word combinations. Thanks to numerous examples of text condensation strategies, it can be stated that many movie scenes can be translated intersemiotically. Many omissions that were made could be compensated without problems by means of image and/or sound, so that it is unnoticeable for the viewer at semantic-trans-cultural level.