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2009-2010 | Tom VIII (XLIX), fasc. B | 69-75

Article title

Grób jastorfski z młodszego okresu przedrzymskiego z miejscowości Wilcza Wólka, pow. piaseczynski


Title variants

A Jastorf Culture grave from the Late Pre-Roman Period from the locality of Wilcza Wólka, the Piaseczno District

Languages of publication



The site in Wilcza Wólka, the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, is located c. 2 km to the west from the locality of Prażmów. In the course of test excavations in 2005 an area of a total surface of420 m2 was examined. At the depth of c. 35 cm from the ground surface Grave 1 was exposed. it is the only feature which was recorded in the course of archaeological examinations (Fig. 1). The fill of the feature was grey-brown soil, and an urn was placed in its central part. The urn was damaged by a plough. No charcoals were found in the pit (Figs. 2, 3). The discovered urn bears traces of burning. Part of the body and the upper part ofthe vessel was destroyed by present-day ploughing (Figs. 4, 5). An iron fibula of Middle La Tene construction (Figs. 6, 7) and burnt bones with a total weight of 728 g were found inside the urn. Anthropological analysis demonstrated that the remains belonged to an adult. The fibula is to be classified as Type B according to J. Kostrzewski (1919a). The end of the foot is fastened to the almost trapezoid bow using a large globule. Directly behind it there is a bulge with a profiled hollow, which was perhaps originally filled with enamel or a mounted coral. The length of the fibula is 6.6 cm. Fibulae with analogous ornament are known from previous discoveries in the territory of Poland: Gradów, Nowe Dobra (former Neuguth) and Bierutów (former Bernstadt) (KOSTRZEWSKI 1919a; 1919b), as well as from recent examinations in Kuny, Site 4 (SKOWRON 2008). Possible differences are a slightly different profile of the bow or the presence of another globule, behind the profiled bulge. The discussed find fits into the definition of fibulae of Group 13b, identified by R. Gebhard (1991) based on finds from the oppidum in Manching. specimens from the territory of Poland are imports from the territory of the La Tene Culture or imitations of these Celtic forms. Chronology of these ornaments encompasses the late part of Phase LT Cj, which corresponds to the early part of Phase Aj of the Late Pre-Roman Period. The urn displays numerous similarities, both with regard to micro- and macromorphology, to vessels known from settlements of the Jastorf Culture in the vicinity of Poznań (MACHAJEWSKI, PIETRZAK 2008; KASPROWICZ 2008), from western Masovia (DĄBROWSKA 1994; KOŁACZ 1995; RoZEN 2010) and from the region of Lublin (KOKOWSKI 1991; DĄBROWSKA 1994). Such finds also correspond to pottery of the late settlement phase in Brześć Kujawski (GRYGIEL 2004). In western Masovia similar features can also be pointed out among pottery from graves in Stare Babice (DĄBROWSKA 1994) and Stare Koczargi (ANDRZEJOWSKA, ANDRZEJOWSKI 1994). This pottery style corresponds to finds known from Jutland, which are dated to Phase II and first of all to Phase IIIa according to local chronology (BECKER 1961; MARTENS 1994). This chronology corresponds to the initial period of Phase AŁ in the territory of Poland, which is synchronised with Phase LT C1. Coherence of results of the chronological analysis of the fibula and the urn allows to date the grave from Wilcza Wólka to the late stage of LT C1, which corresponds to the early period of Phase A1. In the light of such dating it is probable that the discussed burial represents settlement of the Jastorf Culture, which preceded the origin of the Przeworsk Culture in western Masovia (GRYGIEL 2004; for a different opinion cf. DĄBROWSKA 2008).






Physical description



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