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2019 | 40 | 235-254

Article title

Satt auch im Jenseits? Tierknochen in Gräbern und Siedlungen der Vekerzug-Kultur



Title variants

Well-fed even in the next world? Animal bones in the graves and settlements of Vekerzug culture

Languages of publication



In the present study, we deal with numerous animal bones from the sities of the Vekerzug culture in Eastern Hungary und Southwestern Slovakia, which come mainly from archaeozoological quite well recorded and analysed settlements. Their grave findings are rare and they are one of the special features of the burial rites of that culture. Providing a more complex archaeological overview of these finds was at the centre of our interest. Animal bones from the graves and settlements were mainly represented by cattle, sheep/goats, pigs, occasionally horses und their interpretation in graves as the remains of meat dishes ist highly probable.


  • Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Akademická 2, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia


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