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2006 | VIII | 79-89

Article title

Беларуская мова у Iнтэрнэце


Title variants

The Belarusian language on the Internet

Languages of publication



The results of research on such a phenomenon as „Belarusian netspeak”, and also some specific features of the Internet communications (elitism of the modern Belarusian language; emotivity of the Internet syntax; carnavalisation of the Bynet language etc.) are presented in this article. Belarusian netspeak is a mirror reflection of that language situation that developed in Belarus on the turn of the 20th century. Belarusian netspeak is far from the literary standard. The most essential feature of the Belarusian Internet resources is the use of an innovative variant of the modern Belarusian literary language: „tarashkevica” in basically used as a spelling system. There is nothing surprising in it. Users of Bynet (basically young men) perceive „narkamauka” as an old, nonflexible, artificial system vs. „tarashkevica” - alive, free from the „reserves”, open system. Thus, the innovative variant is more prestigious in comparison with the official one.






Physical description




  • Białoruski Uniwersytet Państwowy w Mińsku


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Publication order reference



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