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2007 | 5 - Narody XXI wieku | 309-318

Article title

Prasa wolnomularska w Polsce po 1945 roku


Title variants

Freemason Press in Poland after 1945

Languages of publication



Masonry was established along with the opening on 24th June 1717 the Grand Lodge of London and areas. That event led to the migration of "royal art" on new territory within the next twenty years. In 1721 the first lodge was created in Poland, it was called "Czerwone Bractwo" . That progress also allowed to open the first freemasonry periodicals. In that way in 1735 "The Free Mason's Pocket Kompanion" was published in England. Two years later "Der Freimaurer" was printed in two German cities. In Poland the first freemasonry periodical appeared at the end of twenty century. The magazine was called "Ars Regia". This periodical is devoted to the ideology and the history of freemasonry. It belongs to the scholarly publication. The second magazine is "Wolnomularz Polski" 'which has been printed since 1993. The subtitle of this periodical is: Pismo Przyjaciół Sztuki Królewskiej, and its maxim was the French revolution watchword: "Freedom - Equality-Brotherhood".




  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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  • Chajn L., Polskie wolnomularstwo 1920-1938, Warszawa 1984.
  • Chajn L., Wolnomularstwo w II Rzeczpospolitej, Warszawa 1975.
  • Hass L., Masoneria polska XX wieku. Losy, loże, ludzie, Warszawa 1993.
  • Hass L., Sekta farmazonii warszawskiej. Pierwsze stulecie wolnomularstwa w Warszawie (1721-1821), Warszawa 1980.
  • Hass L., Świat wolnomularski: konkrety (lata trzydzieste - lata czterdzieste XX wieku): geografia, liczebność, odłamy, nurty, ponadpaństwowe porozumienia i organizacje. T. 1, Trudne czasy 1932-1945, Łowicz 2004.
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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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