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2014 | 6(40) | 328-336

Article title


Title variants

Integration of media education in the educational Russian language programs

Languages of publication



The aim of this study is to find the ways to integrate the elements of media education in the Russian language programs for successful acquisition of subject knowledge and skills which satisfy the requirements of the modern information society. The objectives of the study include the determination of substantial lines correlations on the Russian language and media education and the specification of the actual abilities of pupils. The general strategy of integrated education is the formation of communicative competence, including by the means and matter of media. The tactical steps assume conceptually based combination of media education and education on the subject, which is based on the material of speech, language, socio-cultural and activity lines. Speech competence involves the ability to communicate in the media field, create a message using the language and by means of mass communication, to recognize the surface (explicit) and hidden (implicit) meanings, to justify the views, to be tolerant the alternative points of view etc. Language competence provides orientation in the stylistic features of the medial texts, appropriate use of axiological vocabulary, tropes, figures of speech, the full interpretation of the meanings of linguistic units, consideration of potential manipulation of the facts. Abidance by the ethic rules of communication in the media, awareness of the special aspects of the network dialogue, the identification of sources of media texts and their interests, the development of socio-cultural context are presumable markers of socio-cultural competence. The activity line involves work with information: ability to find it, select, process and save, to be guided in the media, to make queries, to feel the need for new information, and provide information in various technological forms. The Russian language course can be considered as an open educational platform that allows to legalize the elements of media education in the curriculum, and thus to contribute to the modernization of education.



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YADDA identifier

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