Willing to realize the mission eff ectively in the contemporary world, the Church is obliged to present the God’s Words via speech, images and gestures in such a manner that they are easily understood by human beings. Th e relevant and good theory coming from the domain of communication is a good starting point for refl ections on the reception of communication’s theory in theology. Th is phenomenon shows the necessity to adjust the universal character of salutary message to the specifi c system of communication in the society. However, in this process theology has to protect the invariability and versatility of this message. Not only the relation between the priest, the God’s Words and the auditor, who lives in a specifi c reality, decide about the eff ectiveness of prognostication but also the way of transmitting the meaning, which is the salutary proclamation. In the situation when we talk about the God’s Words’ crisis, the remedy does not seem to be the language of media, the excessive number of colloquial words and creating out of homily a show full of gadgets but the nearness to the God’s Words.