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2016 | 1(83) | 5-21

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Determinants of the development of agro-food sector and rural development within the framework of the Biostrateg

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The aim of the article is to provide the conditions and opportunities for the development of the agro-food sector and rural areas in Poland, resulting from the possible implementation of projects within the framework of the BIOSTRATEG. Are the key determinants of innovative projects within the framework of the BIOSTRATEG. On the basis of the analysis of BIOSTRATEG, both national and EU documents and organizational status and rules for research funding applications have been formulated conclusion, which should affect the effective implementation of the projects of BIOSTRASTEG, and thus to improve the competitiveness of the domestic agri-food sector and rural operating conditions through the implementation of innovative solutions.


  • : Prof. dr hab. inż. Eugeniusz Karol Chyłek, Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, Departament Strategii, Analiz i Rozwoju, ul. Wspólna 30, 00-930 Warszawa, Poland


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