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2010 | 2(38) | 5-20

Article title

Koncepcja podmiotu osobowego w personalizmie Jacques'a Maritaina


Title variants

The Concept of the Personal Subject in Jacques Maritain's Personalism

Languages of publication



The article contains an analysis of the concept of the personal subject according to Jacques Maritain, taking into consideration the issue of liberty (the freedom to choose and one's internal autonomy) and the relations between a man (a person and an individual) and social life (community and society). The issue of the mentioned concept is expanded by discussing particular problems of: the manifestations of personal and non-personal entities' subjective activity; the relations between the subject and the person; subjective and objective modes of man's existence and activity; the structure of the personal subject. The multifaceted approach to liberty comprises its external (the freedom to choose), internal (the freedom of one's internal autonomy), positive (choosing significantly valuable goals and putting them into effect) and negative (freedom from compulsion) dimensions. Man's relation towards social life defined by Jacques Maritain takes into consideration the priority of the person over the individual and that of the community over the society. Common good – co-being and cooperation are not in conflict with the person's human dignity.





Physical description


  • Katedra Psychopedagogiki, Instytut Pedagogiki Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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