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2014 | 17 - Konteksty bezpieczeństwa w Afryce. Konflikty, wojny, polityki bezpieczeństwa | 81-96

Article title

Sytuacja dziecięcych uchodźców wojennych w obozach na terenie Afryki Subsaharyjskiej



Title variants

Child refugee crisis int the refugee camps in Sub-Saharan Africa

Languages of publication



The article presents the situation of the child refugees in the refugee camps in the Sub-Saharan Africa. Children in this region are strongly affected by the armed conflicts. Furthermore, their situation does not improve after acceptance to the refugee camps. Violence, sexual harassment, complex humanitarian emergency resulting in lack of the basic facilities are encountered by children in the camps on the daily basis. It is estimated that in the Dadaab refugee complex, children represent 70% of the overall camp population. Many of the child refugees in the camps in the Sub-Saharan Africa suffer not only from malnutrition and contagious diseases, but also PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) caused by their traumatic experiences during the armed conflict as well as their stay in the camps. One should also remember that child refugees in the refugee camps in the Horn of Africa are also the factor strongly destabilizing region as unaccompanied children can become potential recruitment source for the asymmetric organizations active in this part of the continent.


  • Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński


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