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2016 | 55 | 84-92

Article title

Ryzyko przeciążania układu ruchu u więźniów podejmujących trening siłowy


Title variants

The risk of overloading the motor system in prisoners taking up strength training

Languages of publication



Background. The article is an attempt to present the risk of overloading the motor system in prisoners who practice physical activity in their leisure time. Material and methods. The study was conducted among 50 imprisoned people taking up strength training in circum­stances allowing them to decide about the frequency and course of particular sessions, and the size of the applied loads. The research tool was an interview based on the stand­ardized Recovery Scoring Guide questionnaire by Kenttä and Hassmén, evaluating activities that reduce the risk of overload. The interview was extended by a short questionnaire inter­view of the researchers’ design. Results and conclusions. Only 12% of the responders performed activities reducing the risk of the motor system overload in a way not requiring any modification; 56% practiced the activities incorrectly, with a need for some changes. The authors suggest implementing organizational and educational interventions in prisons in order to reduce the risk of overloading the locomotor system among prisoners who practice strength training in their spare time.






Physical description




  • Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia Służby Więziennej w Kaliszu
  • Centrum Edukacyjno-Rehabilitacyjne Tęcza w Wolicy k. Kalisza
  • PolskieTowarzystwo Penitencjarne
  • Areszt Śledczy w Koszalinie
  • Społeczna Akademia Nauk


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